I just don't feel good.. I can't concentrate....
All in all I can only blame myself for not having a brain which can count money fast !
No wonder I can't be an accountant, no wonder I always cannot rmb where my money goes...
yes.. I loss money..not much not little (to me)..
I wouldn't mind if the money goes to donation or some other useful stuffs..
But this one.... arghh.... *speechless*
suan liaw suan liaw ~
But luckily, I met very nice ppl today.. They are really nice and so I would like to waste some of my study time here.. hahahaha

They are ppl I met today..
They are from the Germany..
From the pic you can see.. They really really love PINK !!
From top to toes, the wife is wearing pink.. even her lips colour..
when she talks to me, I feel like I am talking to a cartoon strawberry.. lol
haha.. and also to the husband.. (except his pants)
and the wife told me she got lotsa pink pink stuffs in her house le..

The name of the cruise ship - Silver whisker
They also have silver shadow and many many cruise ship from this company with the name start with "silver"

and I am also happy becoz I got FREe postcards today.. haha
and to make myself feel better, I'll just treat today loss on buying these nice postcards =)
and oh ya.. to ah chong and ah ping.. if you got to click on this blog on your busy revision week.. hehe....
you know you know... I saw some really cheap postcards yesterday around bandar area.. only B$ 0.30 le.. haha.. the quality of the cards are not that good like those B$ 0.60 one but they still look ok and nice lo..
just tell you if you don't know ya.. coz I feel excited when I saw that and just feel like telling you two about that.. haha
I'll get some beauty sleep first and tonight..yea.. need to pia for monday paper liaw..
Goodnitez =(
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